Scorched earth: Young oil palms have been planted on recently burned land in Nyaru Menteng, Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. Country delegations attending the COP21 UN climate conference in Paris, France, are paying close attention to land and forest fires, triggered by land clearing using the slash-and-burn method, recently affecting several areas across Indonesia. (Courtesy of theNational Disaster Mitigation Agency)
Local wisdoms of indigenous people could help Indonesia tackle the damaging impacts of climate change, including those of land and forest fires, an activist has said.
The executive director of the Jambi office of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi), Musri Nauli, said all countries should be aware that local wisdom -- the power of the people -- could resolve the problems caused by climate change and global warming.
Nauli said the world should be aware that all this time customary people had been able to adapt to climate change by applying local wisdom.